To reach your consumers, you need to present yourself in an authentic and sincere way, adding to the user's browsing experience Image Masking instead of interrupting it. To create better content, check out these lessons learned from the world of journalism: the lead to attract users . In written content, a good start is crucial to stand out in a sea of articles and posts. The title and the lead should strike a good balance between two factors: being attractive and adequately Image Masking describing the content that follows (to avoid bounces from disappointed users). Prioritize clarity .
Journalism seeks to inform a broad sector of the population, which is why it is committed to presenting background information Image Masking and relevant facts in a clear and simple way. When it comes to reading online, expressing yourself simply is more important than ever. Try to use short paragraphs and rely on resources such as bullet points. Be clear about your focus . It doesn't only matter what you say, but also how you do it. In many cases, the difference between one medium or another is not in the news that it tells, but in the distinctive approach that it provides. Take this Image Masking lesson for your content marketing and reflect on what your brand voice is like and why. Be concise . Gone are the days when an article had to fit in a double-spaced column.
But we can learn a lot from the usual journalists when it comes to not abusing the patience of our users, both in text content and Image Masking in videos. Remember: the good, if brief, twice as good... We have pictures! They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and this maxim is still valid. Photo galleries, infographics, and videos add value to content and are much more engaging than plain text articles. Case study: use of influencers in retail In closing, I want to share some lessons from an affilinet case study for the retail industry. The goal was to increase customer lifetime Image Masking value through an influencer campaign. Thanks to it, they managed to increase revenue from blogger posts by 37%. These are the key good practices behind its success: Campaigns and specific recruitment by categories .